Tiger Investments

About Tiger Investments

Hong Kong - China - New York - London

Tiger Investments works with Pacific Rim based funds and US based investors. Investing in China and Hong Kong can bring long lasting profit to any fund or entity seeking access to Asian finance markets and products. Tiger Investments' team is well positioned to help your fund in this process.

基金和美国投资者。 投资中国和香港可以为寻求进入亚洲金融市场和产品的任何基金或实体带来长期利润。 Tiger Investments的团队有能力在此过程中为您的基金提供帮助。

Equity/Debt Financing

For funds based in Hong Kong or China who are seeking investment opportunities in SaaS, high tech, aerospace, and other tech fields Tiger Investments may be able to offer such opportunities. We work with many companies worldwide seeking investment capital and we may choose to introduce both investor and company.

Investment Opportunties and Networking

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